The exercise part isn't
entirely new. I liked to run about half an hour on weekday mornings,
unless it rained, or the snow was fresh, or my little kids decided to join me
and we'd have a splendid time going about 5 houses down the street to a koi
pond. In theory, I used a rowing machine to make up for cancelled
runs. I'm busy. It didn't always pan out. I also do
occasional long bike rides, including riding centuries for charity. I'd
take some grief from buddies spending hundreds or thousands to trim a few
ounces from their bike's weight, simply because I could make my ride so much
easier by just shedding 10-20 lbs from my body. The thing is being a
weekend warrior doesn't really trim the waist line. It's one high impact
day, typically followed by a high impact celebration. Balance is
great. It just doesn't promote change.
My change here is that I've
ditched the excuses and try to total 60 minutes of exercise a few days a week
in addition to consistently hitting my 30. The thing I'm really doing
differently this time, and evidently doing reasonably well, is focusing on
eating less. I've recently read that weight loss is at best 20% exercise,
and 80% calorie restriction. Prior fruitless efforts had been largely
exercised based with, a soft “better behavior” goal on the food front. Now I’m
all about smaller portions and more rabbit food. Nothing I hadn't heard a
million times before. I wasn't missing the mark by much, but I was a bit
of a mullet dieter. After 10 years enjoying the party in the back, I'd
put on enough weight to buy a nice suit and not need to have alterations to the
pants waist. Horrifying.
After one meeting with a nutritionist, I made a few simple
1) I started counting calories
with an app. The recommended app was MyFitnessPal.
It's popular, and has a sizeable database filled with calories. I haven't
tried any others, and really stopped using this after I formed my new
habits. I don't need more excuses to play with my phone. I was
encouraged to aim for ~1800 calories a day. Being an overachiever, I shot
for 1200-1500 cal, noting that a beer would be 2-300 calories of that goal.
Basically, instead of eating half a delivery pizza splitting with my wife, I'd
eat 2 slices now. Similarly, I shrunk the non-vegetable portions of my
meals. When eating out, I started ordering salads or something with a
side of greens instead of fries. I haven't completely given up the
burger. I guess I haven't done everything my
nutritionist suggested, but I do make a point of trying more of the menu.
2) I switched my yogurt brand
from Chobani to Siggi's. I also stopped adding granola, and started dropping
chia seeds to give it some crunch. The philosophy here is that added
sugars and sweeteners a problematic both behaviorally and metabolically.
If we spend too much time nurturing our sweet tooth, we won't really develop a
broad and nutritious diet. The other piece, is that the body won't burn
fat if it has easy access to sugar. Carbs count as sugar too. I'm
saving them for my beer. Granola is sweet and fatty and is thus out of my
life. Chia seeds are fiber and protein. The fact that my 3 year old
doesn’t raid the chia seed bag and spill it all over the kitchen floor is only
a bonus, I swear.
3) Lunch transitioned from
leftovers or a meal out with coworkers to salads with some protein usually an
egg. My blue cheese dressing brand shifted from full-fat Ken's to the
nutritionist recommended Bolt-house Farms yogurt based dressing. Most of
my calorie cutting occurred at my noon meal.
So here's a sample meal plan
Breakfast: Yogurt, 1 tsp of
chia seeds. black coffee
Mid Morning: black coffee
Lunch: Salad (spring mix,
cucumber, tomato, egg, blue cheese dressing)
Snack: (try to skip, sometimes
nuts. I try to go for things with shells to slow myself down)
Dinner: grilled salmon, grilled
asparagus, side of pasta or chick peas.
Desert: Usually skipped,
sometimes a bit of cheese.
After the kids go to bed: 12-16
oz of delicious beer, including hazy stuff with added sugars.